Meet the Team

We Care. We Understand. We Help.
We have the know-how you need.
Jeri Hunley
Jeri Hunley grew up in Detroit, MI, and went to Detroit Public Schools. She is a single parent with two children. Jeri Hunley has a Bachelor's in Arts Degree from the University of Detroit Mercy and a Master's in Science Degree from Central Michigan University. She has 20 years of experience in all facets and positions in non-profit organizations. She has several years of experience in Information Technology, legal experience, philanthropy, researcher, and mentor. Jeri Hunley is a member and founder of Single Family Living because she experienced many roadblocks as a single parent. However, she persevered by staying focus on her goals in life. Jeri Hunley never accepted the self-defeating behavior or allowed negative people and their actions to define her life and future. Her desire and passion are to help as many single parents in Michigan and the future throughout the United States. Jeri Hunley founded this organization because she saw a need for single parents' to have a voice and have a positive outlet for themselves and their children.
Jerilynn Hunley
Vice President
Jerilynn Hunley received her Bachelor's Degree from Wayne State University and continued her education at Walsh College. She has worked in Corporate America for-profit and non-profit corporations for many years incorporating Business, Finance, and Computer skills. Jerilynn Hunley believes education is the key to achieving one's dream in life rather you continue onto college or a trade school. Learning and continuing to develop is a lifelong experience one must continue on being engaged in doing. Jerilynn Hunley has married a mother of five children and two grandchildren. Her desire and passion are to help create this non-profit organization to educate and support as many families as possible. She saw her daughter experiencing struggles and hardship even though she was receiving support from her family.
Mrs. Hunley not only wanted to make a difference in her life and her beautiful grandchildren but wanted to share her skills and knowledge with other single families and their children as well. Jerilynn Hunley's extra-curricular activities consist of donating time to her church, school district, and community service throughout the Tri-County Metro area. She is looking forward to serving single families and their children in the Tri-County Metro area.
Toni Johnson-Smith
Housing & Development Director/ Board Member
Toni Johnson-Smith graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelors of Science Degree. She has been involved in real estate for over 20 years. Mrs. Tohnson-Smith has rental properties in Wayne & Oakland County areas. She has several real estate certificates. Mrs. Johnson-Smith is knowledgeable as a property manager and real estate law in Michigan. She is a professional in Corporate America.
Toni Johnson-Smith is involved in this organization because she knows the struggles of single families. Her mother became a single parent raising four children during her college years (there was a total of eight children). Her mother inspired her to offer any assistance she could to help make single families’ lives and existence better. Mrs. Johnson-Smith tries to offer her services and housing to single families in the Detroit area.
Jamie LaPorte-DeWaele
Human Resource Director
Jamie LaPorte-DeWaele is a graduate of Oakland University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Development. Her experience in industries that include automotive, retail, research and development, and utilities allow her to provide direction to others seeking a career in those fields. Ms. DeWaele believes that in order for single parents to support themselves and their children, they must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to do so. She seeks to bridge that gap through resume consulting and coaching opportunities.