Dreams Do Come True!!!!

This is a Special Blog Edition recognizing single parents (grandparents) that are stepping up to care for their grandchildren but just need a little help.
It was an exciting and busy month for Single Family Living! We made dreams come true for numerous families! Especially, for the Jones Family!! On April 24, 2016, Single Family Living sponsored this wonderful family with a brand new couch and two twin mattress sets from Gardner White at 8 mile & Gratiot. Jones family was extremely excited to be sitting on their couch that they picked out. The Jones family have been through hardships and other tragedies with the children's (three in the middle) mom recently passing away; they continue to have faith and move on to better days.
Shulie Jones, grandfather of three young children (in the middle) and his daughter Mary Jones (on the end). Shulie Jones said, "We appreciate Single Family Living Organization for what {they} done for our family and may God Bless you to help others". Mary Jones wrote a heartfelt letter to our organization about how Single Family Living helped her dad and nieces. Here's what she said:
"Thank you so much for everything Single Family Living have done for me and my family. We really appreciate it and we thank God for your! Your organization is a blessing to me, my family, and many more. We need more people and organizations like yours in this world. I just can't express to you how much Single Family Living blessed us. It has been so hard and yet your organization took the time to find out what we needed and came thru with your promise. I will forever thank God for bring this organization into our lives! We wish Singe Family Living Organization continue to strive and bless millions of families".
On the behalf of Single Family Living...we really enjoy giving back to our community! Thank you! If you are interested donating to our cause and to help support families please click here!