SFL Invading Parker Elementary

It was an AWESOME experience being with the kids at Parker Elementary in Clinton Township!!!!! Single Family Living (SFL) is kicking-off their "Reading Heroes" program, which helps K-12 students one-on-one with overcoming reading challenges. In addition, SFL provided FREE books....YES FREE....books to children in schools needing the most help. SFL is combating illiteracy one child at a time! Single Family Living sponsored the ULTIMATE SPELLING BEE contest at Parker Elementary! The Grand Prize was $500 Gardner White Voucher!!! The (7) students from each grade won backpacks filled with $10 McDonald Gift Cards, Scrabble Jr. Games, Frisbees, and more! Children from K-6 at Parker Elementary participated for a chance to win but only (1) student won Grand Prize and (6) super happy Runner-ups!
On June 11, 2018, the winners was announced by Mrs. Shannon King, Principal and Mrs. Stephanie Krycian , Reading Director (far right in picture above) of Robbie Hall Parker Elementary! Single Family Living greatly appreciated Mrs. King, Mrs. Krycian and the rest of the staff at Parker Elementary for the warm welcome given to the SFL volunteers! SFL is looking forward to partnering with Parker Elementary in the Fall 2018. The winner of the $500 Gardner White Furniture Voucher ULTIMATE SPELLING BEE is mentioned below:

The giving did not STOP with the $500 Gardner White Furniture Voucher on June 11th! Single Family Living gave NEW Books to the 2nd & 3rd Graders at Parker Elementary in preparation for the summer months that the kids are out of school.
Wait....THERE'S MORE!!!!! Single Family Living was able to gather other donations by picking-up books, games, and more from generous donors in the community. Special Thank You to everyone in the community that donated to our cause!!
These donations will be given to the children at Parker Elementary for the Lending Library that Mrs. Krycian has created. The Lending Library will keep children engaged over the summer by allowing children to borrow books. In addition, to the Lending Library, Mrs. Krycian will be holding fun reading groups over the summer! The staff at Robbie Hall Parker Elementary are extremely dedicated to these children and making reading a fun adventure!
If you would like to help us with Donating NEW books or monetary gifts for our Reading Heroes program please contact singlefamilyliving@gmail.com or
click here for monetary donations.